Welcome to the Ten Pin Alli New Musical Theatre Development Workshop!

For Character Breakdowns Click Here.

TEN PIN ALLI will be the pilot project in the New Musical and Play Development Workshop. We want to offer local talent the opportunity to participate in the process of working and developing a script, being the first to create a character, choreograph the dance, play the song and create the costumes.     Your level of experience is not the focus… your passion and enthusiasm for the theatre are the only requirements.    Subsequent workshops will allow other playwrights and composers to develop their product and have material to present by way of finished scripts, video samples, photographs  and audience feedback.  The goal is not a full production, the goal is the opportunity to develop.

The development of new musicals and plays is a monumental task and one that many talented playwrights and songwriters never have the opportunity to experience beyond putting pen to paper.   The financing involved in finding space, actors, dancers, stage managers, choreographers, etc. often seems out of reach.  The next Rodgers and Hammerstein may be in our own backyard, but unable to have the opportunity to develop their show in a way that is truly marketable.


We will be holding auditions for singers, actors and musicans (piano, bass, drums and guitar; will also play characters in the show) on August 17th from 1 to 5 PM and August 19, 2013 (7 - 9 PM) at:


Carmel Community Players

14299 Clay Terrace Boulevard

Suite 140

Carmel, IN 46032


We are also seeking: Choreographer, Stage Manager, Costume Designer and Assitant Director. 

To arrange for an audition or for more information about the workshop please contact us at:



For a synopsis of TEN PIN ALLI

please click here.





















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